Portuguese citizenship entitles one to live, work, and study in all EU countries and access to other Portugal citizens’ rights, such as education, healthcare and social security.
Original Portuguese citizenship is available for individuals descending from Portuguese citizens (Citizenship by descent) and for those born in Portugal, independently of his/her parents nationality (Citizenship by birth).
Portuguese citizenship may be acquired by:
01. The spouse or life partner for at least 3 years of a Portugal legal resident
legal resident of Portugal for at least 5 years
03. The underaged or incapacitated child of someone who acquired Portuguese citizenship
Under 18’s born in Portugal and either concluded at least 1 cycle of schooling in Portugal, or has one parent who has been a legal Portugal resident for the last 5 years at the time of application
05. Individual born in Portugal and legal resident for at least 5 years provided that one of the parents had held Portuguese legal residence at the time of his/her birth
Sephardic Jew that descends from Portuguese Sephardic Jews
Some applicants for citizenship must submit documentary evidence of effective ties to Portugal and/or the Portuguese community, and the State Attorney may oppose the granting of citizenship if such ties are either too few or too weak. This criterion applies to those born abroad but who has a Portuguese grandparent or those who have been married to (or equivalent) a Portugal resident for 3 years.
Typical documentation includes:
Proving basic knowledge of the Portuguese language is required from someone who applies to become a Portugal resident. This is only applicable for some application criteria, such as those applying for citizenship as someone with a Portuguese grandparent, someone who has legal residency in Portugal for 5 years, born in Portugal to foreign parents.
For more information on how to obtain portuguese citizenship, contact Belion Partners today! We provide information and assistance to those looking to acquire portuguese citizenship.
We will respond by email within no longer than one working day.
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Registered office: 5 St John's Lane, London EC1M 4BH, United Kingdom | tel +44 203 004 8972
Belion Portugal | www.belionportugal.com | A Belion Network Member
Lisbon: Av. Antonio Augusto de Aguiar 74, R/c Dto, 1050-018 Lisboa, Portugal | tel +351 211 450 644
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