The Portuguese school system is renowned for its quality and comprehensiveness, attracting many expats who relocate to Portugal and want their children to learn in the Portuguese system. Enrolling in the Portuguese education system is an excellent way to ensure the full integration of your children into the Portuguese culture while providing them with a world-class education.
The Portuguese Ministry of Education has announced the enrolment dates for the 2024/2025 school year. These dates are crucial for ensuring your child secures a place in the desired school.
For preschool education and the first year of primary education, enrolment was between the 15th of April 2024 and the 15th of May 2024.
Enrolment for the second year of the second cycle (6th grade) through to the end of the third cycle (9th grade), as well as for the 11th grade (the second year of secondary education), will be open from 22nd of June 2024, to 28th of June 2024.
For enrolments from the 2nd grade to the 5th grade, the dates are set from the 6th of July 2024 to the 10th of July 2024.
For students entering the 10th grade to the 12th grade (the first and third years of secondary education), enrolments will happen from the 15th of July 2024 to the 25th of July 2024.
Understanding the difference between school enrolments and renewals is essential. School enrolments refer to the initial enrolment in preschool education or the first year of compulsory education. This also applies to any year of compulsory education if the student is transferring from a foreign education system—a situation that has become increasingly common as Portugal has become a preferred destination for expats.
Renewals occur when a student continues in preschool education, progresses to the next grade or fails to do that. This process is automated and managed by the educational institutions. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule, there are:
These distinctions are crucial for ensuring your child’s seamless integration into the Portuguese educational system.
To enrol your children in the Portuguese educational system, adhering to the provided schedules is crucial, remember these dates vary each year. Missing the deadlines can jeopardise your child’s admission to their desired schools, moving them to the end of the placement list and potentially losing any priority criteria they may have.
Rest assured that every student will be placed in an educational institution, ensuring access to education for all.
Enrolments are conducted online through the Portal das Matrículas the enrolments portal in English. Here are the required documents for enrolment:
The Authentication process in Portal das Matrículas can be made through a citizen card, digital key, or tax authority credentials, depending on your preferred method.
Additional documents, such as proof of home or work address, may be necessary to benefit from geographical criteria for school placement.
Selecting the right educational establishment is vital for your child’s learning journey.
Belion Partners is here to assist you in finding the perfect school that meets your child’s needs and aspirations.
Contact us to explore how we can assist you in securing the ideal school for your child in Portugal.
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