According to the latest Global Peace Index 2023, Portugal has been ranked as the 7th most peaceful country in the world. However, it is disheartening to note that Portugal has witnessed a decline in its position for the third consecutive year, reaching its lowest rank since 2015.
The annual report by the Sydney-based Institute for Economics and Peace reveals that the overall global level of peace experienced a decline of 0.42% based on 2022 data, and Portugal has not been immune to this trend. In fact, Portugal's own performance has worsened, as indicated by Lusa.
On the Peace Index scale, ranging from 1 (very peaceful) to 5 (not at all peaceful), Portugal's score has increased from 1.301 to 1.333 within a single year. This has caused Portugal to descend from the 6th to the 7th position. Iceland has consistently topped the index since 2008, but this year Denmark, Ireland, New Zealand, Austria, and Singapore have climbed higher, with Singapore surpassing Portugal by three places.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, countries such as Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, South Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of Congo experience significant challenges in maintaining peace.
Spanning 17 editions, the Global Peace Index provides valuable insights into peace trends, the economic value of peace, and how to foster peaceful societies. It assesses peace using 23 qualitative and quantitative indicators across three domains: security and social protection, domestic and international conflict, and militarisation.
One noteworthy aspect is Portugal's commendable rise from the 8th to the 4th position in the domain of militarisation, though Iceland, Malaysia, and Hungary remain ahead. It is worth noting that overall militarisation has declined globally since 2008 in all regions.
Covering 99.7% of the world's population, the Global Peace Index reveals that 84 countries have experienced improvements in peace while 79 countries have witnessed deterioration in 2022. Over the past 15 years, global peace has declined, with countries experiencing an average score decrease of 5%. These findings underscore the importance of addressing global peace issues and working towards creating a more peaceful world for all.
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